Welcome to the Heartstone Centre
The Heartstone Centre is a contemporary Mystery School which offers programs in the remote forests of British Columbia as well as other sacred locations throughout the world. Heartstone carries the ancient teachings held by Smiths who were the Shamanic Firekeepers from long ago and who still carry certain teachings linked to the power of the Earth and the Cosmos.

Mystery schools have long held and protected the ancient wisdom of the world. The schools primary duty was to serve the light and keep the ancient knowledge alive. Many forces on the planet have attempted to remove or eliminate this knowledge from the Earth. For within these teachings are the greatest secrets the world has ever known; the greatest power that has ever been available to humankind.

There was a time when we used to live by these teachings and think and act according to certain ways of mystery. However, this way of life was “lost” to the masses in the Middle Ages and the Mystery Schools were forced to go underground in order to preserve and keep safe these sacred and ancient teachings.

Because of the massive shifts in energy occurring on our planet today, the Mystery Schools are now releasing some of these ancient teachings. This is happening because we as humans are now ready. We are more evolved spiritually than ever before in our human history. 

We welcome you to explore our various day and weekend programs as well as our certification programs affiliated with the Wildcraft Forest School.

About the Mystery School
Day and Workshop Programs
Advanced Learning and Certifications
Online Programs
Private Sessions
Visit Us

“Definition of “wild mysticism”: the experience of mystical union or direct communion with nature; the belief that direct knowledge of a spiritual truth, Great Spirit or ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience (such as intuition or insight) with nature.”

Heartstone Mystery School Teachings

Heartstone Centre
A Wildcraft Forest Mystery School Campus
1981 Highway 6 Lumby, British Columbia
Wildcraft Forest Discovery Centre – 250.547.2001 Email: info(at)heartstonecentre.com
This website and all material is copyrighted by the Wildcraft Forest

Other Wildcraft Forest Links
Wildcraft Forest Main Website – www.wildcraftforest.com
Extension Services – www.wildcraftforestschool.com
Wildcraft Forest Emporium – www.wildcraftforestemporium.com
Mother Tree Hub – www.mothertreehub.com
Forest Biotics – www.forestbiotics.com
Monashee Almanac – www.monasheealmanac.org